Saturday 18 April 2015

Art Visit


On the 4th of April i had been sent to the Museum of Fine Arts in Malta and this was a visit for my Art blog.In this Museum i had seen some amazing artworks that were also formed orderly according to the date and the century.Paintings and Sculptures of famous artists were placed there.

These are 5 works that i found interesting and that inspired me to make more art.These work seem stunning to me so here are the artists and their work.

Antonio Sciortino - Arab Horses

This model was made by Antonio Sciortino which was made using plaster.This artist is a maltese artist who was born in 1879 and died in 1947.He was very famous for his work and even had his "speed" structure on the times in the malta newspaper on June 11 2014.I like this structure because of the very details it has on the model.It also seems to be standing on a little piece and then back to a full grown base which makes me wonder how it seems to be standing yet he was able to do the details and the modelling so well.Since i am doing structure modelling in ceramics i found this interesting and very inspiring.This type of model gives me the feel of the old maltese days even the clothing on the man who is on the horse seems to be old times like.

Corrado Corelli - Oxen

This structure is called "Oxen" which was made by Corrado Corelli.Corrado had made this model using bronze which is very well done with the details and the face of the animal.Corelli was an Italian artist who used to work with his brother Filiberto Corelli.They're father,Augusto Corelli was a great artist aswell.He was very well known back in the day.Though Augusto was more into paintings Corrado inspired me more with this model which is absolutely stunning and has a sort of stone feeling to it.

Emvin Cremona - Abstract

Emvin Cremona,a Maltese artist who was born in 1919 and died in 1987. Emvin Cremona was a great painter who made beautiful paintings which had mixed colours everywhere such as the one above. This art piece was made using oil on canvas. Just like Antonio Sciortino,Emvin also featured in the times of malta with his work which was published in April 9 2007. The person who had made this into the newspaper was Mark Sagona,another artist. This art piece makes me think of the wars,of when the first few planes were invented. I think that the mixture of colours and blending it has shows the tragic times and how it seems to have been a difficult time to live in. The blue shows the water and that the wind was strong. I like the details this art has and the blending really gets to me. I honestly think this was one of the best work i had seen.

Wikipedia - Online Site - Accessed 18 April 2015

Filippo Corelli - Streetscape with Cat in a Doorway

Filippo Corelli was a famous Italian artist who used to paint a lot and was very good at it. This is one of his famous works called "Streetscape with Cat in a Doorway". I like this painting a lot because of how the strokes and details are shown yet they contrast eachother and form the painting to make it look even more realistic. A famous artist who also used this technique was Filiberto Corelli in his "Portrait of a Man" work.They both have similair art style which is what makes me enjoy this art.The lighting seems very well made and it's as if it is in real life.This art gives a sense of how the old days were which is in contrast with nowadays,

Edward Pirotta - Javelin Thrower

Edward Pirotta,a Maltese artist who was born in Naxxar in 1939 and died in 1968. This maltese artist used to attend the "Accademia di Belle Arti" school in Rome. He is a very famous war artist at the time which made sculptures and paintings which had won some awards and now some of his artwork lays in this museum. This piece was made with Patinated Plaster which is a unique type of sculpting. Edward mostly focused on these kind of sculptures like wood carving and plaster structures rather than paintings. In this design I like the way the human is posed since it doesn't really look like an easy pose to make as a model and then even go as far as making each little detail on the sculpture. His muscles were evenly made and the javelin makes this piece interesting to look at because it is difficult to make something hold still.It's face also is very detailed which I found perfectly made.


Times of Malta,Antonio Sciortino Speed (Online Site)
(First accessed in 18 April 2015)

Laziowiki,Corelli Corrado (Online Site)
(First accessed in 18 April 2015)

Times of Malta,Emvin Cremona Sacred Art (Online Site)
(First accessed in 18 April 2015)

Maltamigration,Pirotta Edward (Online Site)
(First accessed in 18 April 2015)

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