Tuesday 12 May 2015

Maltese Carnival

Maltese Tradition

Carnival is a maltese tradition in malta and is a holiday that people celebrate.In this tradition people dress in costumes and celebrate the day of the floats and costumes with music and dancing.This holiday is popular in Valletta in Malta because in Valletta the whole tradition is held there with the addition of the King of the Carnival float.

King of Maltese Carnival float
Image available at :

The king of carnival float was originally built to be held at each year of the holiday so that carnival begins with him coming out to the scene and being able to function with movement.People would then come around to watch him and some dancers along with music.After the king is done it is then placed aside as the other floats come in to do their own show with their own style and functions.People would enjoy seeing different styles and artistic ways of floats.

Up carnival float
Image available at :

These floats are made in garages where they are made over a year before the actual holiday.The floats are made with wire structures as the skeleton in it which is then covered up with cardboard and newspaper.The newspaper will then be painted over to give it an artistic taste so that the structure will be done to go to the festival.With the float people will design matching costumes and clothing for the dancers to go with the float and match the dancing with the music.

Here are some designs of the carnival costumes which i found interesting in their design and textile clothing : 

Image available at :

Image available at :

Image available at :

These designs are interesting to me because of the fabric they used and the props they use into their clothing.The props could also be made using the same technique from the floats using the cardboard and newspaper and then they would be stuck onto the clothing.Either way it is interesting to think and that this is a maltese tradition.


Maltamedia,Carnival (Online Site)
(First accessed in 12 May 2015)

Carnaval,Malta (Online Site)
(First accessed in 12 May 2015)

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