Friday 15 May 2015

Maltese vs Japanese

Maltese Carnival with Japanese Carnival

Carnival is one of the most well known festival from all over the world.Though it may seem and have different events in different countries,they all form the same thing and have the same basic in showing the artistic way of costumes and floats.Maltese carnival is all about the mechanics of moving and the music it brings with the beginning of the king of the carnival while japan is more into the art style and the costume designs.

Floats Comparison

Floats are a huge deal when it comes to carnival,from any country,the thing about floats is though they all have different themes and different functions from all over the world.Maltese floats have more of a design into them with patterns all over it which makes it colourful yet confusing.Sometimes they take the idea from a series or movie like doing a cartoon character as a float with different functions of movement and it's own theme.Some characters include famous figures such as Mickey Mouse.I don't really find this carnival design very unique and artistic because they're not really being original especially taking one character and putting him in it.

Scooby-Doo Float
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Japan on the other hand is more into art when it comes to the making of the floats rather than into structure and detail.Japanese floats have a more artistic design and cartoon style when they make the art on the float.This mostly represents Japonisme which is the art style for Japan.Japonisme has a cartoon style feeling of art rather than more into realism.The structure of the float isn't exactly unique and different from eachother but the art on it and the materials of the float is much better than using cardboard and newspaper.Something which is also notable is that the Japanese floats are more similar to the Chinese designs.They both have similar artworks and celebrate carnival almost the same way.They also both use dragons as a main symbol for this event.Malta isn't that similar to China with it's designs than how Japan is.

Japanese Float
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Here are some comparisons of the floats and how they look very different yet they still have the same functions and celebrate it similar to our festival.


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Dancers Comparison

During the carnival festival,most of the time there will be dancers with the floats which are a national tradition of the event.Each country has their unique design of costumes for these people to compete with during dance competitions.They all have their own tradition with their own national design style.A design which I really liked is the Japanese costumes which are very different from the ones in Malta.

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The Maltese dancers have a different view on the tradition from the Japanese.The costumes aren't exactly based with textiles and have a design.They are rather more used with foams and the head gear they will wear is mostly used with paper mache.This is the same technique for the floats.This matches them with the floats which shows a unique theme rather than being random.Something they have similar to the Japanese culture is that they also have dance competitions and are divided into groups of who will be victorious.Other than just Japan,Maltese designs are also inspired by other countries and places such as the Egyptian design on the picture seen.It is like a pharaoh or a goddess.Here are some designs which are based on the Japanese tradition.

The Japanese costumes are rather different in view.In carnival they mostly use kimonos and the Japanese tradition design sometimes seems to be inspired by Brazil.Even the floats kind of look like the Brazilian design.For instance,the costumes aren't more of a full clothing to the dancers which shows out the way of the Brazilians.Though in difference,the people mostly wear kimonos and are very more casual and different than how Malta views the carnival design.To me the kimonos are more interesting than the Maltese design because they show more art in it and can be wear casually as well for events.Here are some designs which i liked.

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To me the Japanese are rather more casual when they take the carnival event but it still shows the design of the art of the theme.Maltese clothing is less of textile material but it still shows out the carnival and does it better than the Japanese.I both liked the designs and they both inspired me and I can see how they're tradition can be similar.

Sources,Malta Carnival (Online Site)
(First accessed in 15 May 2015)

Unmissable Japan,Samba Carnival (Online Site)
(First accessed in 14 May 2015)

Japan-Talk,Samba Carnival (Online Site)
(First accessed in 14 May 2015)

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